One of the most recent trends in terms of bags are tote bags. These practical handbags gained a lot of popularity in the past year through their versatility and stylish look. They can be dressed up or down depending on what style you choose and what you pair it with and they look great in pretty much every outfit. Thanks to the fact that they are spacious, anyone would benefit from owning a tote bag, and knowing how to style it is a must. We came up with some suggestions on how you can wear tote bags and what kind you should choose for different occasions. Read along to find the best way to wear your tote bag and check out Pinterest if you are interested in diy-ing one for yourself.
Message Tote Bag
This first suggestion is probably the most popular tote bag, the one you will see everywhere. The message tote bag is the one that has a quote or a slogan on it and it’s great for showing some of your personality through your style. Whether you have a bag from your travels or you have one with your favorite line from a movie on it, this tote bag tells everyone around you something about yourself. Styling this one depends on the color you chose, but any casual outfit will look great with it. If yours is in a vivid color, try pairing it with some neutral elements for a great contrast. And if your tote bag is black or white, you can wear it with anything in your wardrobe.
Leather tote
If you like the space a tote bag provides, but your job or daily life requires a more professional or elegant look, this next suggestion is for you. We are talking about leather totes. In the style of a normal tote bag but made out of qualitative leather, this tote bag has a more elevated look, but has the same practicality as the canvas ones. You can wear this bag to the office, to uni or to any meeting with a business outfit and it will be the right accessory. For inspiration on this type of tote you can check out This one goes well with a blazer outfit or a dress and will definitely keep your laptop and all of your belongings safe while looking stylish.
Famous Ikea bag
The last suggestion we came up with is inspired by many tik toks and social media posts. The famous ikea bag has been around for some time and the internet can’t get enough of it. It is slightly bigger than a normal bag and you can also buy organizers for the inside to make it easier to carry your belongings. This bag looks great with streetwear outfits and it’s perfect if you have a busy life and you need to carry everything with you every day. This bag is also great for traveling because of the oversized look and the extra space.
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